As I’ve shared in my journey, I’ve been fighting against shortness of breath and apnea for a long time. I made a drastic change 9 or 10 weeks ago by halting all my medications, adopting a vegan diet, and integrating exercise and meditation into my daily routine. This shift brought me a significant period of relief, leaving me symptom-free for the last several weeks. Yesterday, a sudden return of my old symptoms plunged me into a state of suffering, fearing a regression to my “chronically sick” identity.

In this moment of fear, I went to my I AM, and chose to discard the label of being “chronically sick.” I listened to my body, which was asking for natural remedies like Chinese herbal medicine, juicing lemon and ginger, and indulging in a hot bath. Symptoms that has kept me awake all night simply we went away in 30 minutes :)

It turns out I was merely experiencing a slight cold, not a resurgence of my chronic issues. I realized I was just “temporarily sick,” and all I needed was some gentle self-care.

Reflecting on this, I recognized how my aversion to the “chronically sick” label had previously led me to adopt harsh treatments like ice baths and excessive exercise. It’s ironic that the things we often avoid the most shows us exactly what we need the most. This experience taught me the importance of tuning in to myself and embracing self-compassion and care as essential elements of healing.

For anybody looking for alternatives to cold medicine, here are two widely available Chinese herbal medicines that brought me relief:

1. Ge Gen Tang (葛根汤)
Symptoms: Early-stage colds or flu with stiff neck, headaches, fever, and chills without sweating.

2. Xiao Qing Long Tang (小青龙汤)
Symptoms: Colds with clear or white phlegm, cough, wheezing, chest fullness, and difficulty lying down due to phlegm and moisture.


